Friday, January 21, 2011

One Room at a time

Spring fever hit me hard this year, in part due to the hours I have spend pouring over the pages of
Animal Vegetable Mineral (I highly recommend this book). So to ward off the fever I have been switching stuff up in my house. Starting with my bedroom I vowed to spend as little as possible and sweat a lot.

 Silly me I did not take a good before shot, still getting used to this blogging stuff

The wall were already a pail blue and I had made the curtains a while ago. I wanted to add some bright Yellow in small ways, thus the spray painted collage of empty frames, spray painted owl and candle holder. I love me some spray paint. When you are buying paint, choose a glossy finish, that way you can paint a few pieces of furniture that need revamping.
Such as a sheet dresser and book case.

I used an idea from a friend for hanging art. All it takes is yarn, tissue paper and time.
This is the basic idea, increase the square get a bigger poof.

Organizational hangers and totes are always nice to round off a room by getting stuff put away. Make sure you check places like goodwill and other thrift stores first. It's not necessary that is matches, this will save you lots of $.
 Don't be shy, if you are in need of Furniture Ask your friends. So many people have stuff lying around collecting dust.
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Spray paint goes a long way toward redeeming things.
And as you organize get rid of things, good rule of thumb

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